On Company's dashboard you can quickly overview the data reflecting:

  • total number of programs for the Company
  • number of completed programs
  • number of currently active and
  • those that require additional hours

Click on "Additional Hours Recommended" (as in below snapshot)  to be redirected to the page with the the list of all students needing additional hours. This way you can analyze the data and see what is needed for them to complete their materials and/or advance to a next level.

Please note: Additional Hours Recommended: 266 in below example represents total number of programs that need additional hours, oppose to the total number of students: 218 (as distinct users, since 1 student can have more than 1 program) displayed after you click on the Additional Hours Recommended link.

On Students page you can also change the filter to Active Students and vice versa to refine the data, if you need to see the list of active students in order to report on their activities.