Following are the two scenarios for using a "Revoke" function in LCMS.


Student was issued an LK that contains one ISBN/material. Student had registered it on the Student Materials Portal and accessed their materials. Now you need to invalidate it because the wrong material was issued or for any other reason.

When you click "revoke" in LCMS it will invalidate the LK and remove materials from Student Portal, so student will no longer be able to access that material.


Student was issued an LK that contains one ISBN/material. Another material was added to the same LK. Student had registered it on the Student Materials Portal and accessed both materials. Now you need to invalidate one of the materials on that LK.

When you "revoke" one of the materials in LCMS it will invalidate and remove that material from Student Portal, so student will no longer be able to access that material.

Once "revoke" is performed, the changes on Student Portal will take effect after:

  1. User authorization
  2. Page refresh

NOTE: if several students had the same LK attached, then after the revoke procedure, the changes will affect all students who have this LK.