1. Begin by selecting the Target Language and the Course name from provided list in the drop-down menus. For Core/Foundational courses, once you select Target Language and Course, the level will automatically preset. The below example shows that the level will be automatically preset to level 4, as Business English 4 course was selected.

2. For Elective courses, you must also select the Level.

3. Depending on your role permissions on the Testing platform, your LC will be automatically preset. If your role’s scope is at the city or country level, you will need to select the LC for which you are printing the Curriculum Test. This means that once you create the printed test, the system will store the test results record under this LC name and will automatically email the test results to this LC’s email address.

4. Click “CREATE TEST” to continue.

5. The data you just selected will be automatically preset in the pop-up “Create test”. Simply create the name for this test (e.g. name of the group) and click “CREATE”. 

NOTE: You can click “CREATE TEST” at step 1 and simply enter all information directly from here.


1. The test you created will appear under Tests List section below. Click Print button to proceed.

Please note: Each test has a Unique ID, which you will need later. This will be explained further in the guide.

2. The pop-up window will appear. Enter the number of tests you wish to print.

For example, for 3 students, enter 3.Then click PRINT button.

3. This will trigger the download of a compressed directory of files/ZIP archive. Once completed, your browser will indicate a file is ready to open on your computer:

  • Click on Open to access the compressed directory folder. If your computer does not do this automatically, you may need to select a program like WinRAR (or similar) software to open this file type. (see examples below). Double-click on Archive file to open its content.

  • Open folder to view from Downloads (see examples below). Double-click on Archive file to open its content.

4. Zipped Archive will contain following folders:

  • audio: MP3 files for Listening section of the test
  • for-instructor: PDF file(s) with test (answer keys for which are bolded within answer options) and audio transcripts at the bottom of the file.
  • for-students: one consolidated* PDF file with the test items

depending on the quantity of tests you printed, the PDF will include all tests, but each will have unique ID (see point 4 below)

5. Print the PDF file located in for-students folder and enter student’s full name and email for each test printed, so that later you can identify whom the test belongs to. Please pay attention to the Test ID number (it will be shown at the top and the footer of each test). You will refer to this ID once you are ready to input answers for each students in the test results panel.